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Brownstone Facility Rental Rates

Social Room Only
Social Room with Kitchen

1 Day .....................................  $ 300.00
2 Days ...................................  $ 450.00
3 Days ...................................  $ 575.00
More Than 3 Days ...............  $ 250.00 (per additional day)


Add $ 150.00 to Social Room Rates

Meetings for Non-Tenants

3 Hour Period ......................$ 150.00

** Alcohol is not permitted anywhere on the Brownstone Lodge property. **

Wedding Receptions

5 Hours ..................................$ 450.00

    (Table covers are not provided.)

Parking Lot Rentals

Car Wash Only .......................... $ 50.00

Car Wash & Bake Sale .............. $ 75.00

Car Wash & Chicken BBQ ...... $ 100.00

Car Wash & Flea Market ........... $ 75.00

Chicken BBQ Only ..................... $ 75.00 

Car Sales

2 Weeks ................................... $ 50.00

1 Month ................................... $100.00

   (Longer Periods will be assessed.)

** Lodge Member usage of the facility will be by donation **

** Prospective renters will do a walk through with a representative of the lodge prior to the event to determine the condition of the facility. After the event the same people will do a walk through to determine if the facility was left in an acceptable condition. **

For more information on availability and prices, please contact Bud Hoover at 717-533-7910

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