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Lodge News

Brownstone Lodge Spring Pancake Breakfast

April 2024

Brownstone Lodge will be holding it's first Spring Pancake Breakfast on April 20, 2024. Breakfast will be served from 7am to 11am. The cost per ticket is $7.00 which includes pancakes, sausage, juice, milk coffee and tea. Tickets will be included in the February notice. Checks should be made payable to Brownstone Lodge and sent to Brother Albert J. Vasko, P.M> at 18Behrens Dr. Palmyra, PA. 17078.


Brownstone February Stated Meeting Dinner

February 2024

The meal for the February Stated Meeting will be Baked Chicken, Buttered Noodles, Vegetables, Salad and Dessert. The requested donation is $10.00. Dinner will be served starting at 6:00 P.M. Please RSVP to Michael K. Gipe at 717-283-7353 by February 9th. Checks can be made payable to Brownstone Lodge and sent to Michael Gipe at 242 Farmhouse Ln. Palmyra, PA. 17078 or can be brought with you the evening of the meeting.

Brownstone Lodge Polo Shirts Now Available

February 2024

We now have Brownstone Lodge polo shirts available to purchase. The shirts are masonic blue with the Masonic logo and Brownstone name and number on the breast. The size prices are XS, S, M, L and Xl $28.00. Sizes 2XL and above $30.00. Please contact the Secretary to order and purchase. Checks should be made payable to Brownstone Lodge.


Credit Card Payment Option Now Available 

January 2023

Starting on December 1st, members will be able to pay for their Brownstone Lodge membership dues online with a credit card. This will provide members with another option to pay for their dues beside check or cash. The typical convenience fee for online payments will be about $3.20 per transaction. You will need a username and password to process your payment through the Grand Lodge site. If you need assistance please contact the Secretary at or 717-612-2818.


Brownstone Lodge Name Badges Available

January 2023


Members will be able to purchase Brownstone Lodge name badges. Please see the Lodge Secretary for more information. The cost of the name badges is $15.00. Name badges will be delivered at the January Stated Meeting.

Officers and Guides Needed
January 2023
Brownstone Lodge is currently looking for Brethren who are willing to help out with Guiding or Instructing candidates or filling in a chair on occasion. If you are willing to help out please notify the Worshipful Master or any of the other officers listed on the Officers and Committees page. Practice is every Monday night at 7:00 P.M. and visitors are welcome.

Brownstone Lodge Almoner's Fund

January 2023

Brethren as many of you know Brownstone Lodge now has an Almoner's Fund established. The purpose of this fund is assist all worthy distressed members and/or their families. Requests for assistance can only be made to the Lodge Almoner Representative and will be kept in strict confidence. The Almoner Fund Representative for Brownstone Lodge is Brother Thomas F. Campbell, P.M. He can be reached at (717) 367-2172.

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